Avoid the Wrong Imaginations (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday August 19, 2024

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“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” — Job 3:25 (KJV)

As you journey in your Christian Walk, you must be very careful of the imaginations going through your mind, because they could either make you or destroy you. As simple as this might sound, it is the truth. When you allow the wrong mental pictures, they could become a reality in your life because your imagination is very powerful. We all know the story of Job in the Bible, but do you know that one of the things that led to the challenges he had was his imagination? Remember, Job, according to the Scriptures, was a very rich man who later lost all his wealth in one day. When that happened, the statement he made showed that Job had been nurturing that thought for a long time. He said, “For the thing which I greatly fear comes upon me, and that of which I am afraid befalls me” — Job 3:25 (AMPC). Did you see that? From this statement, you can tell that over the years, he had been having such imaginations in his heart, and it finally became a reality.

Beloved, this is what happens when we carry the wrong imagination in our minds all the time. To a great extent, Job’s imaginations played a role in the whole thing that happened to him. This is why we must all be very careful of the mental pictures we carry in our hearts because our mental pictures have the ability and capability to come alive. It is for this reason we are warned in the Scriptures saying “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” — Proverbs 4:23 (NIV).

Therefore, it is important that you become mindful of the imaginations of your heart. Do not think it plays any role in the outcome of your life. It does play a huge role, and when you purposely begin to allow the right imaginations to go through your mind, you create the right outcomes and not the negative ones. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

When you allow the wrong imagination to go through your mind, they will create the wrong outcome, so do the opposite!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for this wonderful truth You have brought to me. I choose this day to control the imaginations that go through my mind. I choose to allow the right imagination, and as I do this, I am making progress and manifesting great things in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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