Avoid the Leaven of Social Media

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on February 6, 2024
Hand using smartphone with Social media concept.

“…take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees…” Matthew 16:6 (NKJV)

One of the things that has been a blessing to our world today is social media, it has brought the whole world into one place. You can post a message on social media right now and at that same moment, it will go around the whole world. Social media has restored relationships, brought people together and amplified people’s messages. Social media has helped the spread of the Gospel as well and it has helped many of God’s people to receive their healing, deliverance and miracles. But you see, as wonderful as this tool is, it has also led to the death of many people. It has destroyed the relationship many people have with God and also their families. It has brought many people to depression and has encouraged many to go into all manner of vices just to feel important in society. Recently, I saw a young lady who committed suicide online, because of cyberbullying. Someone told her, she was ugly and would surely fail in life and she took it to heart. She kept on thinking about that word until she decided to take her life. 

Beloved, the stories are endless but something, I want to point out today is that, as much as social media is a blessing to our generation, it is also important to know that it is also a destructive tool to our generation and therefore you must be very careful with the way you use social media today. Social media in itself is not evil, it is how you use it that can either be good or evil. If you do not use this tool with caution, you could be corrupted in your faith walk, you could become biased in your judgement and perception of people. You could become addicted to just scrolling around and wasting time on the internet, and the worst of all is that you could be dragged to sinning against God, because the good, the bad and the ugly are on social media today. Even witches and wizards have taken it as a platform to come and bewitch people.  Trust me, many have been afflicted via social media and this is the reason, you must avoid the leaven of social media. Just as our Lord Jesus Christ warned His disciples saying, “…take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees…” Matthew 16:6 (NKJV), that is the same way, I am saying to you today, beware of social media. Become conscious about what you do on social media, how long you spend there and what you post on social media. If you can become careful of these things we have spoken about today, social media shall indeed be to you the blessing it was designed to be and not be a curse. Halleluiah! 

Today’s Rhema 

Social media can be a blessing or a curse, therefore choose to use it wisely!

Confession for the Day 

Father, I am grateful for this wonderful teaching you have brought my way, I chose this day to use social media to my advantage and not the way around. I declare that as I do this, only the blessings of social media shall manifest in my life, all its negative influences shall be far from me in Jesus. Amen!

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