Adjust Your Mindset in the Place of Prayers (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Sunday July 2, 2023

praying, bible, reading bible

“…for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him…” —Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)

Having established the importance of adjusting your mindset in the place of prayers, its important to come to terms with this truth because the fact that you prayed and did not see results, does not mean that your prayers were not answered. It does not mean that you wasted your time. God has a way of rewarding us every time we pray wholeheartedly. Now, I am not saying that people have not been in that place where there prayed and did not get results and I am not saying that it is not possible for someone to pray and not see results. What I am saying is, your experience does not make the scriptures wrong. The fact that you prayed and did not see results does not mean that you were not heard, it does not mean that results won’t come and it does not also mean that your prayers didn’t work. It only means you should hold on and be patient. Making statements like the one we just analyzed in the first part of the article is actually a sign of doubt and unbelief. 

A man who believes that prayer works, even though he has prayed and nothing happened, does not come back and say nothing happened. He only holds on and keeps praying. Because against all odds the scriptures must be fulfilled. So I encourage you to learn to align your words to the scriptures, not your experience. No matter what happens, always know that after you have prayed, there will always be a result. It might tarry which is why you have to be patient. Don’t be deceived into thinking nothing actually happened because something took place the very moment you uttered that word of prayer from your mouth. Understand that nothing happens the moment you start saying nothing happened when you prayed. Don’t be a like a farmer who went to the farm to sow his seeds and after one month of sowing the seeds, because he didn’t see any visible results, he went back and uprooted his seeds sown. What will happen to that man is that he will end up not having a harvest. Why? because his seeds are no longer in the ground. In the same way, when you say nothing happened, you uproot your seeds and eventually see no results. Trust me, this is not the kind of experience you want to have, so believe in your prayers and believe that God heard you the moment you prayed. Go from thinking that nothing happened, to believing and expecting answers to your prayers. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Align your words to the scriptures, not your experience!

Confession for the Day

Father, I thank you for teaching me the importance of changing my mindset in the place of prayer and knowing that prayer works. I declare this day that no negative statement about my prayers will ever come out of my mouth. Only positive statements shall come out of me irrespective of my experience and I declare that I take advantage of this truth today and I use it to influence my world in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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