Accept What He Gives and Believe for Your Expectation


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday October 26, 2022

decision, choice, path

“…let your conduct be without covetousness, be content with such things as you have…” Hebrews 13:5 (NKJV)

Recently, I saw a terrible news headline that shocked me a great deal. A thirty-year old mother of two, killed her newborn son because she wanted a girl child. She’d had two boys already and desperately wanted a girl child. So she was disappointed that she had birthed another boy. While this was an extreme case, it highlights a common issue among many people. When they don’t receive exactly what they expect from God at the moment, they don’t feel the need to thank God for what He has done. In most cases they keep complaining and express ingratitude which makes them no different from this woman.

One thing you must imbibe early in your life is to be content with what you have, otherwise you will experience so many disappointments in life. If what you were expecting from God is not what you received at that moment, don’t despair. Accept what He has given you and believe Him to do more. Don’t come to that point in your life, where you are no longer able to see what God is doing but only the things God has not done. It is a dangerous place to be. If you happen to find yourself there, you must make a conscious decision to come out of it now that it is still early, otherwise you will be a tongue-talking, spirit-filled, born-again believer who is ungrateful. I have seen too many of God’s people sad in their lives and greatly troubled because what they received was not what they were expecting. How sad! For most of them, they even stop attending church services because some how they think, coming to church has not helped them in any way, so they are angry at God. The question is, is this kind of attitude consistent with God’s word? Certainly not. A Christian who follows the scripture, will not live this kind of life because our Lord Jesus Christ warned very clearly that we should “…watch out and guard yourselves from every form of greed; because a person’s true life is not made up of the things he owns, no matter how rich he may be…” letting us know that the things your possess or own, should not define you or make you who you are. Therefore, take heed and watch out for these things, because expectations sometimes could turn into greed, if caution is not taken. Now, does this mean we should not be expectant in life? Of course, you should but your expectations should be in line with the principles of God’s word. God bless you!

Today’s Rhema

Expectations sometimes could turn into greed, if caution is not taken

Confession for the Day

Heavenly Father, you are wonderful, I thank you for giving us your word to guide every step that we take in life. I thank you for teaching me about contentment. I declare that henceforth all forms of unusual expectation are deleted from my life. I choose to be satisfied with what you have given me because I know that you who did it before will always do it again in my life. Praise God!

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