A Dormant Mind Will Give Birth to Empty Hands


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday May 20, 2024

Portrait of a man with an exploding mind

“…the good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good…”Luke 6:45

There are many people going through financial difficulties in their lives. Sadly, they often get frustrated and blame God for their economic difficulties, unknown to them that God is not to blame. God has already done everything that needs to be done. One of the most amazing gifts He gave to us is in our minds. Your mind is your greatest asset, if you can tap into the power of your mind, I assure you your life will not remain the same. Some of the most amazing technologies that we enjoy today are products of the mind. If you ever want to come out of financial difficulty, you must be ready to make use of your mind. For as long as your mind is not empty, your hands will certainly not be empty because you will always generate ideas that can fetch and multiply money.

We live in a world that seeks for something new every day. As long as you can give people a good reason to spend money, money will come looking for you. A man with an idea can never be poor if he puts his ideas to work. So make a conscious decision to do something about your current financial state by coming up with an idea. Pull yourself together and start thinking the right thoughts. Meditate on God’s word and go to God in prayers. If you pray sincerely with a strong desire to meet the needs in this world, God will give you an idea that is out of this world. 

Remember, it is not enough to have an idea. There are people with good ideas who are still broke. So, when you get this idea, distinguish yourself by putting your ideas to work. Channel your resources and strengths toward it and I tell you, your life will not remain the same. God bless you

Today’s Rhema

A man with an idea, can never be poor if he puts the ideas to work!

Confession for the Day

Thank you heavenly Father for instructing me in the ways of righteousness and for enlightening me about finances. I declare that my mind is opened to receive ideas and today I prophesy that ideas are coming to me in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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