“…what does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?” James 2:14 (NKJV)
You have been praying for a while now, when do you intend to take actions? That was the question I heard the Holy Spirit say to me some time ago when I was believing God for something very dear. I had been praying and fasting concerning a particular matter for a while but I was not looking in the direction of taking steps. I was waiting for God to just do something spectacular in the area I was believing Him for, unknown to me that God wanted me to take a step now. So when I heard that question that day, I immediately started giving God thanks and mapping out my strategy on how to take the first step.
Beloved, you might be in the position I was few months ago, and all you have been doing is just praying again and again, waiting for something spectacular to happen. But God is saying to you, when will you stop praying and start taking actions? This is one area very many people don’t think about. They just want to keep praying and leaving their responsibility for God to handle. But as a matured Christian, you must come to that place in your life were you understand, that God has His role to play and you have your role to play. When we pray, grace for what we have prayed for, becomes available but until you take necessary actions, the grace will not manifest. You must understand that there is a time to pray and there is a time to take a step of faith in the direction of your expectations. Because if you don’t, nothing significant happens. Therefore, learn to take actions so that the grace you have made available through prayers will have where to work on. Always remember that if you do nothing, nothing significant happens. The bible says “…faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead…” James 2:17 (NKJV).Your prayer is the faith, but when you do not take actions, the faith becomes frustrated because faith by itself does not stand alone. Therefore, start taking necessary actions so that you can come to the realization of your dream. Don’t expect God to help you start that business, or write that book or help you find that Job. You are the one to do something now because you have God’s backing. Praise God!
Always remember that if you do nothing, nothing significant happens!
By the power of God vested on me as the son of God, I declare that I am taking necessary steps and mixing my faith with actions. By my actions, I give my faith something to work on and I am seeing unprecedented results in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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