“…..what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul…?”

Mark 8:36

In the journey of life, knowing the what, the why and how of life is very important because it helps you to gain understanding about the truth you need to know at different stages in life. It helps you to stay in tune with God’s purpose and plans for you and the world at large. When you know the “what” of life, it helps you to know where to channel your strengths when you know the “why”, it helps you to learn how to live and when you know the “how ” of life, it helps you to know how to succeed. So this is so important, for example, one of the “What’s” you must seek to know is “what is the greatest achievement in this world”? Knowing the answer to this question will help you to channel your pursuit and life’s strength in the right direction. The greatest achievements in this world, are not certificates, houses, successful business, best jobs or building an empire. You know why? Because these things are of no eternal value. They are only of value to you here in this world, but this world is a transit place, it is not our destination. Eternity is our destination, therefore the greatest achievement should be such that add value to us in eternity. You need to know that eternity for every man is a sure thing, it doesn’t matter whether it is believed or not.

Man is a Spirit, He has a soul and lives in a body (1 Thessalonians 5:23) but when the lease of life given to man here on earth expires, the spirit which has a soul checks out of the terrestrial body which is now very old and weary. And it continues to live on either in eternal peace and rest or in eternal torment and shame. Now, whether you will end up in eternal peace or torment, has to be decided by you in this life. So the greatest achievement in this world is not to secure peace and happiness in this world alone but also to secure your eternal home by making sure your soul is saved because the scriptures say, that it is appointed for man to die once then after that judgement ( Hebrews 9: 27) and when this moment of judgement comes, “…many of those who have already died will live again; some will enjoy eternal life, and some will suffer eternal disgrace…” – Daniel 12:2 (GNB). So to avoid eternal damnation, you must make sure that you receive salvation and this can only be found in Jesus for He is the hope of salvation. The bible declares that “there is no other name given under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” Acts 4:11-12. Therefore, as a child of God, your focus should be on your salvation. Let all you do revolve around your salvation for it is the greatest achievement ever. If you are not yet saved then do so in the earliest by praying the prayer of salvation behind this book or in the website (www.reflectionsdaily.com) because when the soul is saved, eternity is sure and you have achieved the greatest thing in this world.


Let all you do revolve around your salvation for it is the greatest achievement ever!


Thank you, Father, for revealing to me what the greatest achievement in life is all about, I thank you because all my pursuit from hence would be to pursue salvation and work it out with all seriousness and purpose in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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