“…if then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God…”Colossians 3:1-2 (NKJV)

Sometimes, because we have found ourselves in this world as Christians we put all our focus on the things that pertain to this world that we completely forget that we are not of this world. However, it is important for us to understand that as we undergo our journey here in this world, our mind ought to be on the things of the kingdom where we are from. Our focus, desires, and interest ought to be on the things of the kingdom because that is where it ought to be and not on the things of this world. When your heart is on kingdom matters, you don’t get bogged by the happenings of this world.  For example, most people get very worried about the economic situation of this world that they even slip into depression mode and think there is no hope. But the man whose mind is on things above doesn’t get worked up about those things because the impact of the economy of this world has nothing to do with him. His focus is on the economy of the kingdom which never shakes or faces a meltdown. As far as he is concerned he is safe. In fact, he has come to understand that this world is not his home, he is only passing through. So his cares and worries are on kingdom matters and that is how your life should be.

Take your mind off the things that are in this world and fix it where Jesus is, that is all that matters. When you live like that you don’t get afflicted by the things that afflict people in this world, rather you live above them. So begin today to set your focus on things above where Christ is and not on things in this world. When you do this, you save yourself from depression and disappointment that comes through worldly sentimental attachment. In the past, many have been emotionally damaged and broken because their cares for this world was very high. However, God does not want you to make such mistakes, so He is speaking to you today to make a little adjustment on where your focus is and do the right thing. From your focus to your possessions and efforts, they should be appropriately channeled to the matters above where Jesus is, because in the long run (after life on earth), that will be the only thing that matters. Halleluiah!


Focus on things above where Christ is, and your life will matter here on earth!


Thank you, heavenly Father, for directing me to where my mind ought to be, I decree today that all sentimental attachment I have towards this world and its cares are terminated and I choose to place my focus on the kingdom and its righteousness in Jesus’ Name. Amen!


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