“…from deep inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God…” Jonah 2:1 (GNB)

One of the inspiring things I learnt from the story of Jonah is that even after finding himself in the belly of a fish, he didn’t forget God. Rather he prayed from inside the belly of the fish. Even though the situation wasn’t looking good, he turned the belly of the fish into a place of prayer and guess what, God came through for him. You may be going through some very difficult issues right now and the situation does look good, the question I have for you is this, do you still remember to pray? Do you still believe that God is there to answer your prayers? I am asking this question, because over time, I have seen lots of people who stop praying the moment things go bad. In fact I remember asking a young lady I was counselling if she was still praying in the wake of her ordeal and she said to me, “Jesus is the last person I am thinking of right now” meaning, prayer was not part of her agenda. As a matter of fact, from the way she responded, she had given up hope, which was the reason the situation never got better. Beloved, the worst thing that can happen to anybody in the midst of challenges is to stop praying. It is a place for long suffering and must be avoided. When we take a look at the case of Jonah, the bible recorded that “…from deep inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God…” Jonah 2:1 (GNB). Did you see that? This is so inspiring, just the fact that he remembered God in the midst of the issue was enough for God for answer his prayers. Now, when you find yourself in the belly of the fish like Jonah did, don’t keep quiet and become overwhelmed with the situation. Rather pray from that place and make your request known to God. Maybe you have found yourself in a prison, or the middle of a marriage or family issue, don’t give up but pray to God because that’s the best thing to do. You must always remember God and His role in your life in situations like that. It is not His will to leave you in that situation helpless. In fact, it is His desire for you to be out of that issue more than the way you do. All that is required for you to do, is to trust Him and pray to Him. It will make a difference in your life. The Bible says, “the Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a place of safety in times of trouble…” Psalms 9:9 (GNB)


Praying in times of difficulty, is one of the best things you could do for yourself!


Oh Lord you are my rock and my refuge, you are my shield and my buckler, therefore I decree this day, that no matter what I face or go through in life, I will not be overwhelmed and lose faith. Rather I will be strong in faith giving glory to you knowing that you who have brought me this far, will take me further in Jesus name. Amen!


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