“….whatever you have learned and received and seen in me. Practice these things and the God of peace will be with you….” Philippians 4:9 (ESV)

One of the good things about the Christian life is its uniqueness. You cannot find another kind of life so promising and at the same time so real and true, like the Christian life. Christianity is real because it’s practical, Christianity is true because you can actually test it and see the results. Christianity is promising because there is so much hope in it than in any other. Most Christians have not actually taken advantage of their Christian life. They do not know that the actual wealth and prosperity God promised us is actually in the practice of His word and following His principles. When I use the word practice I mean, not being a Christian just by confessing Christ, because that isn’t the end of our Christian life but a birth into it. When a baby is born into the world, that definitely isn’t the end of his life, but the beginning of it. The baby learns to eat, sleep, talk, walk, run, play, see, move and grow. He also learns to socialize, watch movies, use the social media, learns a language, learns to read and write, and lots more. This is what it means to actually live a life in this world. In the same way, when we say we are Christians, we are expected to live or practice the Christian life which includes spiritual activities such as winning souls, praying, singing, meditation, faith walk, confessions, fasting, speaking in Tongues, seeing visions and having dreams, prophecy, studying and teaching, and so on. 

But sadly most Christians are not bothered about being spiritual, in fact, they seem to think that people who get into spirituality are overdoing it, but it’s not so at all. When you are born into the world you should live, walk and go around. And not be crippled sitting in one spot. A Christian who does not practice his Christian life, isn’t living in the spiritual world, and is no different from a child who was born with disabilities. He is no different from a child who can’t walk, talk, or play. He is no different from a child who cannot do anything on his own. Therefore, it is important that we understand that true Christianity starts with practicing your faith. God wants every Christian to practice the Christianity Jesus showed to us which is having a relationship with the word, having a regular fellowship with the Holy Spirit, save the sick and the oppressed, preach the gospel of Christ etc. The bible declares that, “…by this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother…” 1 John 3:10 (ESV). So make a conscious decision today, to become a practicing Christian. The blessings that follows such practices are enormous. Halleluiah!


Practicing the word of God is the beginning of our Christian Faith!


Dear Father, I thank you for opening my eyes and letting me know the importance of not only hearing your word but actually living a life full of the practice of your word. I declare that from today I will practice your word in my everyday life in Jesus name. Amen!


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