HAPPINESS CAN BE AN EVERYDAY REALITY FOR YOU                                   15th Sunday

“…..remove sorrow in your heart….” Ecclesiastes 11:10 (NKJV)

Some time ago, I was going through my phone and saw someone’s display status that read, “how can somebody be happy all the time?”. For her, she did not see any reason why people should be happy all the time. When you look at this statement, you find her mindset revealed in it. She had an issue with staying happy all the time, when I asked her why she made the statement, she said happiness comes when you see and experience things that excite you and as far as this life is concerned, it’s not every day people experience things that excite them, therefore, people are not expected to be happy all the time. When I heard this, I was shocked; I realized this is the kind of mindset lots of people have today that makes them have mood swing. I realized this is the mindset that makes many of God’s people happy one day and the other day, they are sad. I realized this is the reason many have become emotionally enslaved because they feel that happiness is measured by the number of exciting things that one sees or experience. However, this is a very wrong mindset. A man who depends on external factors for happiness can never be a happy person. He will live the life of an emotional slave.

My friend, I want you to know that happiness does not come by the things we see or experience. Those things don’t give happiness as people often think, they brighten you up for a while but the next minute it’s over. This is the reason you find some people today who are rich, living in good houses, with the best job but they are still not happy. Because the world was not designed to give lasting happiness. True happiness comes from God and God alone. Take your mind off any worldly factor that you think can give you happiness and fix your gaze on JESUS. Doing drugs and taking alcohol will not give you happiness. Happiness, even though it can be expressed physically, you don’t get it physically because it is a spiritual manifestation. It is something only God can give therefore seek your happiness in God and not in the world. Don’t use worldly factors as a measure for your happiness rather, let God be your happiness for He is able to make all grace abound to you ( 2 Corinthians 9:8) Nehemiah in admonition to the Israelites, said “….do not mourn or weep….do not sorrow, for the Joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:9B -10C. Now God is saying the same thing to you today, do not mourn or weep, do not sorrow or lose heart for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Therefore, take your eyes off worldly standards for happiness and fix your gaze on God and His word. Delight yourself in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalms 37:4)


True happiness comes from God and God alone!


Happiness from this day forth will continue to spring up from my inside because my happiness comes from God and not from an external factor. No matter what I face or go through, I choose to be happy because Jesus is my source of happiness and He is my hope of Glory. Halleluiah!

Categories: September 2019


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