“….do not be drunk with where it is in excess but be filled with the Spirit…” Ephesians 5:18 (NKJV)

As you journey in your Christian walk, one of the things you must do for yourself is anger management. Over the years, I have heard people who say things like, when I am angry, no one can calm me down. Now, they say this because they do not really understand how anger can rob them off the move of God’s Spirit in their lives. Beloved, no matter how quickly offended you can be, I want to encourage you to learn to manage your anger at all times, because anger hinders the workings of the anointing of God in your life. It blinds reasoning and stops the move of God in your life.  

In the book of 2 Kings 3:1-19, we see a vivid example of what we are talking about here. The bible tells us the story of three kings who came to meet Elisha seeking to inquire of the Lord from him. When they met him, he was angry with one of them and therefore he was not stirred to give them a word from the Lord, but because he had respect for King Jehoshaphat who was one of the kings standing before him, he sent for a minstrel to play for him and as the minstrel played, the bible recorded that “the hand of the Lord came upon him “(2 Kings 3:16) and he prophesied.

Prior to this, he couldn’t prophesy, not because he didn’t want to or because the Spirit of God was not present at that time to speak but because he was angry and the Holy Ghost does not move or manifest when anger is at work. It was until the anger was arrested by the music of the minstrel, that was when he was able to prophesy. Now, if the anger had not been arrested, Elisha wouldn’t have been able to do anything. This same thing applies to us today. When we let anger dominate us, we deprive ourselves of the move of God. So, make a conscious decision to work on your anger at all times. Allow the fruits of the spirit to manifest through you always and you will see the Spirit of God move in your life at all times. Hallelujah!


If you allow anger to dominate you, you will deprive yourself of the move of God in your life!


Thank you Heavenly, Father for the ministry of your Spirit at work in my life. I decree today that by reason of the knowledge I have received, I will not allow my anger to get a greater part of me and as I do, I enjoy the move of the anointing in my life in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: February 2021

1 Comment

Gary · November 21, 2023 at 3:29 pm

John the Baptist was angry at times! Was there ever an application which the anger of the Lord would come upon a person to rebuke a person?

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