“..And whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life…..” – John 3:16 (NKJV)

As a child of God, it is important for you to know that the kind of life that God has called you to live is a life where you have all things. God has not destined anyone to be poor or experience lack in anything, and so you are not exceptional. You are the possessor of all things, everything that you will ever need in this life has already been provided for, ever before you came on the scene. Our opening text communicates this truth expressly; it says “…Whoever believes in Him should not perish but have….” Meaning, when you believe, you are catapulted to the realm of having because eternal life which the bible says you now have, is a complete package where you have all that you require to live a successful life here on earth. You can say this is too simple to be true but that’s the gospel for you, it is that simple and God wants you to know. The message of the gospel is not a complicated message, it is very simple and if you believe it, you start living in the realm of abundance.

The question is, if this is really true, why is it that there are many Christians who are still struggling in their lives? It is simple; they are struggling because they do not know what I am sharing with you now. Proverbs 11:9 clearly states that “…. through knowledge shall the just be delivered…” which means that the liberty you will enjoy in your life as a Christian will be dependent on the things that you know and believe. The less you know, the less liberty you will enjoy, and the more you know the more exploits you will do in this life. This is the reason this message is coming to you at this time, that you may know the truth and live in the reality of it. Jesus by His death, burial, and resurrection, qualified you for this life. He took your life and gave you His own life and today, the bible says “…Christ in you, your hope of glory…” Colossians 1:27. This is what makes you a possessor and not a hustler. Don’t see yourself with the eyes of the world but with the eyes of the word which is the eyes of God. When you do, you align your sight with God’s sight and everything that God has said about you, that is what you begin to see in your life because in the kingdom of God how you see matters a lot. You can only become what you see. If you see yourself as a failure, that is what you will experience but when you see yourself as a possessor that is what your life becomes. So go ahead and see yourself the way God sees you for “He is not a human being that He should lie” –Numbers 23:19 (NKJV)


You are the possessor of all things, everything that you will ever need in this life has already been provided for!


In the name of Jesus, I declare that from this day henceforth, I refuse to see myself wrongly, rather I chose to see myself the way God sees me.  God says, I am a possessor and that’s who I am, no more no less. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I possess all things in Jesus name. Amen!


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