“Jesus said unto Him…I am the way, the truth and the light…” (John 14:6 NKJV)

In life there are many foundations upon which people stand, some are business foundations, some are career foundations, while others are religious foundations but amongst all these, there is one foundation in life that is a sure foundation in all things. Every other foundation is subject to sinking, but this one does not sink and it will never sink. It is a foundation that stands and will continue to stand for all time and this foundation is none other but our Lord Jesus Christ. If a man finds himself planted on this foundation, he will never lack or be defeated in life. He will never fail or be a victim in life, no matter the challenges that come His way, he will not be moved because everything in this world was made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him (Jesus Christ) was (is) life, and that life was (is) the light of all mankind (John 1:3-4)

Jesus is the salvation that came to this world to liberate men from their pains, sorrows and sufferings and bring them peace, hope, health, prosperity and much more.  He is the first and the last, the living one; the one who was dead and now lives forever more! He is the one who defeated death and today he has the keys of hell and death (Revelation 1:18). He is the one who came to this world so that men can have life and have it to the full (John 10:10). He is the only sure foundation found in this world that causes a man to stand before God without guilt or shame and have an eternal future. This Jesus, is your all in all and He is your life both in the present and in the future. The question is, how close are you to Him? Are you abiding in Him? Are you following His principles? Are you living your life, according to His word? Remember what makes you stand secure in Him, is not just receiving Him into your life, but truly following Him in His words. So, I encourage you today, to take your walk with Jesus seriously because He is your sure foundation.


Don’t only receive Jesus into your life, follow Him in His word and act on them, because He is your foundation!


Glorious God I thank you for sending your son Jesus to bring salvation to all men including me, I thank you so much for the salvation I have received because through this salvation health belongs to me, prosperity belongs to me, life belongs to me and my life is secured in you in Christ Jesus. Amen!

Categories: February 2021


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