“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing shall by any means hurt you.” -Luke 10:19

The day I saw the scripture above, in the Bible, it became clear to me that Jesus affirmed that there would be enemies, and these enemies are not friendly ones. That’s why He used the word serpents and scorpions. These animals are the ones with the most poisonous bites that lead to death. But Jesus said, I give you power to tread on them. To tread means to walk on, or trample or to press beneath your feet. And it’s not just Serpents and scorpions, but over every power of the enemy. So, it means in any form or way the enemy may wage a war against you, Jesus has given us the power to press them beneath our feet, the power to trample on them, the power to crush and destroy the power of the enemy. By this, I am convinced that Jesus is telling us, not to be afraid of the enemy. The enemy may be one with a very wicked nature, he could be wild and fierce, could be stubborn and big, Jesus says, we have the power already to crush them. They could be many or few in numbers, Jesus is saying, we have power over all the power they could ever possess, and they will never be able to hurt you. Because you have been given all you need to defeat the enemy, and that is the advantage that we have.

In Luke 10:18, Jesus said “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” Listen, Jesus did not say Satan will fall, He said I saw him fall. The one you are afraid of has already fallen; this means he is already defeated. The enemy cannot prevail over you, because their leader is already a loser, their leader already lost the battle. Carry on with your life with the mind-set of a champion and do not allow yourself to be oppressed. No matter what happens, refuse to succumb to the assaults of the enemy. Don’t let the enemy rejoice at your expense. It is true that the confrontation may be great and the pressure may be too much but always remember that you have the advantage through the finished work of Jesus Christ our Lord. Instead of breaking under the pressure, face the adversary in faith and use your advantage in Jesus over Him. Know this, that nothing is too difficult that it cannot be solved; nothing is too hard, that cannot be broken. In Jeremiah 32:27 God said, “Behold, I am The Lord, the God of all flesh, is there anything too difficult for Me?” so I ask you today, is there anything too difficult for God to handle? Is there anything God cannot fix? Of course there is none. Therefore, take advantage of this truth and confront the adversary with this knowledge. Hallelujah!


We have power over all the power the enemy could ever possess, and that power is our advantage!


Dear Heavenly Father! Great are you oh my God! And worthy is your name forever and ever. I thank you for giving me the power to discipline and destroy the enemy. I take advantage of this power and I completely crush the adversary. I put a stop to the powers of the enemy directed against me and against my family. I declare that as a child of God, I emerge a winner in all that is done against me. I do not run away under pressure, instead, I face every battle and I win in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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