“…remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you….” Romans 11:18

Over the years, I have come across several people who get angry at God and speak as though there is something special that God gains from them. I remember stumbling into an interview of an atheist, who said, she would never serve God because He is the root cause of all the trouble in the world. When she was asked the reason she said so, she said if really He is a loving God as people say, why would He allow people to go through the things that they go through? Why allow all the bombings and natural disasters happening around the world to continue? Her statement provoked me to laughter and at the same time pity for the young lady because it was clear that she had not come to understand life and God.

Many people do not realize that God gave man dominion and authority to function on earth. The only reason those things are happening is because men chose to let them happen. The same thing happened in the past when God said, I sought for a man who will intercede on behalf of the city but I found none (Ezekiel 22:29-30). The reason things are going so wrong in this earthly realm is because man has ignored his role of intercession and so evil continues to prevail.

Today, there are still people like this young lady who speak like this, they blame God for everything that goes wrong in their lives. They even go as far as saying they would never bow to God or pray to God because He does not exist. But hear this, no matter how much you blame God or deprive him of your worship, you did not create God, He created you and therefore you do not support God, He supports you. Never forget that your life came from God. If there will be any form of improvement in your life, it will come from God and God alone. Therefore, make a conscious decision to seek God with all your heart and might.

You are the one that needs God and not the other way round. If you choose not to serve Him, there are many more out there who will serve Him. If you choose not to pray to Him or give Him worship, there are many more out there who are willing and ready to pray to Him and give Him worship, therefore upgrade your thinking and seek God, while you can. He is the one that supports you not the other way round.


No matter how much you blame God or deprive Him of your worship, you did not create God; He created you; so, you need Him!


Thank you, father, for reminding me once again that you are the one that supports me, I declare that my trust will continually be in you and in your word and I will continue to seek you all the days of my life in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: January 2021


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