“…then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light…” Genesis 1:3 (NKJV)

As we study our text, it’s important to understand the mind of the speaker and His exact words as spoken by Him. So, I chose to study the meaning of the word, “Let there be.” The word “let” means “to allow”, “to not forbid” and “to not prevent”. Meaning that light already existed but the light which existed did not shine, the light was darkened and not permitted to shine or give forth light. Light only started to shine forth and give its brightness when God spoke to darkness to give way, light only started to shine forth when God spoke to light itself to bring forth its light.

Now, you may look around and all you see is a looming dark day or a dark future. But am here to say to you, do what the Lord did. Speak to your world and command that light in you to shine because there is light in you waiting to be spoken to. There’s light in you that probably was darkened by the many challenges you have faced and this light is waiting for your command, waiting for your word asking it to shine forth. There has never been a time more important in history than now when our words are much needed. Do not keep quiet and allow things around you to go bad. Speak to your world and you will see that your light will so shine for the world to see. Do not be intimidated by what you see now, receive courage. Speak and see the manifestation of your light. Hallelujah!


Your light will shine if you ask it to shine!


Dear Father! Thank you for putting in me the power to change my world. Thank you for giving me the knowledge that I require today to let my light shine. I declare that from today, nothing will deem my light, nothing will prevent my light from shining. I will shine from the mountain top in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: January 2021


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