“…but God demonstrates His own love toward us, that in while we were still sinners, Christ died for us…” Romans 5:8 (NKJV)

Oft times the devil always want to us feel that we are undeserving of the love of the Father. He tries to come up with genuine reasons to show us that we are unworthy of the fathers love. And sometimes he succeeds in getting through to many of God’s people because they are not convinced of the love of the father or they are ignorant of the love of the father. However, his days of deception has come to an end now because through the scriptures we now know the truth. Beloved, it is important to understand that God loves you no matter what. You might look at some of your shortcomings and weaknesses and think that there is no way God can love you with all those shortcomings or weaknesses of yours. But the truth remains that God’s love towards you is not dependent on your actions, it is not dependent on what you did wrong or what you did right. It is completely dependent on His grace and mercy. There is nothing you would do today to make Him love you less or love you more than He does now. His love for you cannot be measured because it is boundless and limitless, why? He is love, yes you heard me right. God is love (1 John 4:8), it is His person and He loves you because He has chosen to. He loves you irrespective of your behaviour, character, habit or attitude.

In our opening scripture, the Bible lets us understand that while we were still sinners or dead in sin, God demonstrates His love towards mankind by sending His son Jesus Christ who came and took our place and became a perfect sacrifice for God. Now, when all these were taking place, you were not there, but this love has extended to you and me today. So what do you do? Trust in His love and know that you are deserving of His love. The next time the devil tries to trick you into thinking that you are not worthy of the Father’s love, show Him Jesus and remind Him of the finished works of Jesus Christ; because His finished works qualified you and made you worthy. Praise God!


The father loves you not because of what you have done right but because He loves you!


Eternal King of glory I thank you for loving me the way you do, I thank you for upholding me with your endless love, I am forever grateful. I declare that I continue to dwell in the consciousness of this love and manifest the power of this love wherever I go in the name of Jesus. Amen!



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