“…then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen…” Luke 24:5-6b (NJKV)

In the opening scripture we see that some of the disciples of Jesus Christ went to visit His grave where he was buried, but when they got there, His body was gone. And the women were surprised, wondering what happened to the master. They saw two angels seated by the empty tomb of Jesus and the Angels spoke to them asking them, why they looked for a man who was living among those who were dead. Letting us know that the grave is a place for dead people and Jesus Christ did not belong there. Now, the same way Jesus was not dead and is not dead right now, that is the same way you are not dead but alive to God.

You who were supposed to be dead in sin and trespasses have been resurrected back to life. You who were supposed to be buried in darkness have been taken away from darkness and translated to a kingdom filled with life and light. The question now is? If you are not dead, so who is dead? What is the assurance that you are not dead?  Well, the book of Acts 17:28, says, “In Him we live and move and have our being as some of your own prophets have said, ‘we are his offspring. “Meaning, if you live in him, the death that he died you died, if you live in him, when He resurrected from the dead He resurrected in your name. So all He did, He did in your name, all He achieved, He achieved in your name. When He went to hell and defeated death, you went to hell and defeated death too. So when He made an open show of Satan and his demons (Colossians 2:5), you were the one who did that. You made an open show of Satan in Him and you disgraced the devil. You brought shame to death and overpowered him when Jesus Christ came back to life. So live free and enjoy your life because you are alive to God and your old man is dead, but your new man lives forever more. Enjoy every day of your life and most importantly, never be afraid of the future, never be afraid of death, you have already overcome him. You are not among the dead but among the living Hallelujah!


Rejoice! Death has no power over you.


Father, I thank you for giving me victory in Christ Jesus. I thank you because Jesus is alive and so am I. I thank you for the defeat of death because in doing that Jesus gave me defeat over hell and death. Halleluiah!




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