“….the hardworking farmer must be the first to partake of the crops….” —2 Timothy 2:6 (NKJV)

Most people do not understand that what we do in our lives, we do for ourselves. If we choose to serve God, we serve for ourselves, because salvation is personal. And if we choose not to serve God, then we should also be ready to face the consequences of our actions. Just like the opening scripture says, “…the hardworking farmer will always be the first to partake from the fruits of the ground, which he plants…” The work we do, as Christians in the house of the Lord will always benefit us first. For example, a man who gives to the poor in the name of the Lord would think that the poor just benefited from him and he had reductions in his money. But the Bible says otherwise. It says in the book of Proverbs 19:17, that “…. Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord. And He will repay him for his deeds….” From this passage we see that giving to the poor benefits the giver first before the poor, because the benefits of the giver come from God who always rewards generously. The same goes with someone who decides to work in the house of the Lord. That floor you sweep when you come to church, or the chair you clean in your local church, that group you are handling in the church, or that key you play every time the church choir sings, who do you think benefits first?

Remember everything we do is a seed whether it’s good or bad. It grows, and as long as a seed grows there will be a time for harvest. Acts 19:20 (KJV), declares that the word of God grew mightily and prevailed. It was because the word being a seed grew in the city and that’s why it prevailed. Whatever you do in whatever sector you find yourself, always remember that your contribution (actions) is a seed. It could grow to become a promotion in your office or profits in your business, or success in your endeavor. The hard-working farmer will definitely be the first to take part in the harvest. So, stand up and locate yourself in a place and a church where you can sow your seeds, and as you sow your seeds, wait patiently for your harvest because it will surely come. So, do the needful and start sowing the right seeds and remember, the seeds we are talking about here are not financial seeds, but seeds of actions, which when planted, grow to become either a positive or a negative harvest, depending on the seeds that were planted. Hallelujah!


Everything we do is a seed, whether good or bad, therefore sow the right seeds so that you can expect the right harvest!


Father I thank you for the opportunity to sow righteous seed through my seed and my words. And I thank you because great is the harvest as it comes, even as you have counted me worthy not just to be a partaker of the harvest but the first to reap the harvest. Thank you, lord! Amen!


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