“…then the Lord answered me and said, “write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it…” Habakkuk 2:2 (NKJV)

Congratulations once again, it’s a New year and this means you have three hundred and fifty days to make a difference in your life and in the lives of other people as well. It’s a brand-new opportunity that has been granted you to actualize your dreams and make your life count. The question is, will you take advantage of it? It’s not enough to wish for a change or desire to achieve great feats, you must apply the corresponding actions that will bring the change and make you achieve your dreams. Now, you might say but what do I do at this point? Well, it’s simple! Write the vision and make it plain. In our opening text, the Bible revealed something very important that God told Habakkuk the prophet, He said “…write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it…” Habakkuk 2:2 (NKJV) meaning, whatever it is you want to achieve in your life, you have to write it down so that it can be plain before your eyes.

Sometimes people dream big but they don’t express it in writing, so in the long run, they are not able to pursue that dream because they had forgotten. You must understand that no matter how smart you are or how retentive your memory is, if you don’t pen down the things you want to achieve over time, you will definitely not achieve them. Human beings tend to forget after a while, especially when they face opposition. But when you write the vision under the inspiration with which you receive it, no matter the odds or the challenges that come your way, you will never forget the vision you have written down. In fact, the reason for writing it down is so that anytime you look at it, the fire to pursue the vision will be rekindled. It is for this reason, God told Habakkuk the Prophet to “…write the vision and make it plain on tablets, so that he may run who reads it… Habakkuk 2:2. So as you journey in this New Year, make a conscious decision to write the vision and make it plain. Be clear on what you want to achieve and go for it with all you’ve got. And when you have achieved your desires, you can easily go through that which you have written, appreciate God for helping you achieve the things you have achieved. Halleluiah!


No matter how smart you may be, if you don’t write down the vision, you may never achieve it!


Glorious and ever-living Father, I thank you for revealing to me the importance of writing down the vision. I decree this day that the grace to pen down all you have put in my heart, is at work in me and as I write them down, I decree that I am achieving them in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: January 2021


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