“…and which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” Luke 12:25 (NKJV)

I have taken out time to look at the appearance of people who seem to worry a lot and one of the things I noticed is that some have grey hair even though they are young, many have wrinkled faces and some even have rashes on their faces. This is because worry has never been recorded to add value to your life, instead it zaps the life out of you and makes you look older than you are and swallows your peace. In fact, worrying kills you twenty times faster than anything else can because it will bring into your life high blood pressure, which is a dangerous killer.
So, if worrying does nothing about the situation you are thinking about, why do many choose it as an option? Why do many stay a long time worrying about what they can’t change? Please do not misunderstand me, thinking about a situation and strategizing for a solution and worrying are not the same thing. To worry is simply when you become anxious or troubled about something. Even in the scriptures we see where it says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God”- Philippians 4:6 (NKJV). Therefore, worrying is not the solution to your problems. According to the scriptures, instead of worrying, enter into prayers and make your request known to God. It is when you do this that the situation will change. I admonish you today, to quit worrying and start praying, because in prayers you will have many victories. Amen.


Worrying will only make you look older, quit worrying and start praying today!


Thank you oh Lord God, for giving me all things. I declare today by the power of the Holy Spirit that I live a worry free life. I will not be held captive by Satan by worrying over what I should be praying about. I declare that I am victorious in Christ Jesus. Amen!


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