“…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for the saints….” Ephesians 6:18 (NKJV)

Have you been going through some stuff in your life and you are increasingly getting worn out? Are you beginning to entertain insecurity as regards the situation you have found yourself? Relax, there is a solution to that situation and that solution is prayers. Beloved, in times of great difficulties, the secret to fixing it is prayers. So the question I have for you today is; have you been praying? What is your investment in prayer? The reason for this question is to help you examine what you have actually done in prayers. You’ve got to understand that the situations of life don’t get fixed by you worrying or folding your hands and thinking it will all go by itself. It won’t happen that way. There has to be an effort from your end to realize a change. In the book of James 5:13, the Bible says, “…is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray…” Did you see that? That’s God’s recommendation for us when we find ourselves going through some stuff in our marriage, or in our job and even in our family. Therefore, it is important that you take some time to invest in prayers. Take that matter as a project and give yourself wholly to prayers for a season and you will be amazed, the power of God will move mightily on your behalf.

A man in the bible who did something like this was King Jehoshaphat. He was besieged by a mighty army and was outnumbered. But when he saw that he was no match for the army that has come against him, he decided to seek the Lord in prayers. The Bible records, that”…Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. So Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord; and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord…” 2 Chronicles 20:3-4 (NKJV). He knew that his help can only come from the Lord so he and his people set themselves to seek the Lord in prayers and they prayed the whole day, which ultimately brought them help because by evening of that day, God brought them a word through Jahaziel the son of Zachariah. Now, what is the lesson here? They chose to invest some time in prayers and it paid off. Another person who did something like this was Daniel who spent twenty-one days seeking the face of God. He invested time in prayers and got answers (Daniel 10:1-21). So what about you, what are you going to do? Stop the pity party and put aside the emotions. It is time to seek the Lord with all your heart. And guess what? You will find Him because those who seek the Lord shall find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). Praise God!


If we would pray, there will be an answer!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for reminding me about the importance of prayers, I declare that the spirit of prayer is at work in me, and it’s causing me to pray with all manner of prayers without getting tired or getting discouraged. Therefore, I pray myself out of lack, debt, sickness, and captivity in the name of Jesus. Amen!


Categories: July 2018


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