“…for if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel…”

1 Corinthians 9:16 (NKJV)

As a Christian, if you are asked to list the things God has done for you in your lifetime, there are several things you will write down. In most cases, the list will be too long because God is a giver and has committed Himself to giving you and helping you all the days of your life. But if you are asked to list out the things you have done for God, how many things would you really write? Would you be able to write out ten things which you have committedly done for God and are still doing for Him? Well, if you are sincere, you will be shocked that there might be nothing on that list because over the years, we have been taught to only receive from God and not give to Him. This is the reason people get offended when they are asked to give or render their services to God in church. They feel God is the only one responsible for giving to them. They don’t really think that there are several things they could do for God or that God is counting on them to do certain things for Him. They don’t think, after all God has done for them, God deserves their giving or services. So they live their lives always expecting from God and sometimes when the help is not fast coming, they get disappointed and in most cases angry at God. But today, I want you to take a moment to really review your life and be sincere with this question; what have I done for God? Do you realize that God deserves your services, your attention, your resources and your time? Do you know that all these are part of your worship towards God?

Well, if after you have done a proper review of your life and you discover that you have actually done nothing for God, give yourself a challenge and a target to committedly and consistently do something meaningful for the kingdom of God. There is so much to do, you could be a worker in the house of God or you could be one of the consistent givers in church who gives committedly and faithfully. You could get involved in soul winning or building, the most important thing is to be involved in the advancement of the Gospel in these last days because that is God’s vision and plan for mankind. The bible says, “…God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased…” 1 Corinthians 12:18 (NKJV). You know why? So that we could all have a role to play in the body of Christ. Your responsibility is to identify your role and start playing it. Stop running away, stop acting irresponsibly and start taking responsibility. Understand that a Christian who does nothing for God is an irresponsible Christian. Now, I don’t mean that in a disrespectful way but that’s the truth. You’ve got to understand that you are not just saved to keep collecting and receiving from God, you were saved to be one of God’s representative on earth. So be involved in the father’s dream because in the end that is what will make your own dream and life flourish and be preserved. Halleluiah!


A Christian who does nothing for God is an irresponsible Christian who does not think God deserves His service!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for opening my mind to understand the importance of service and worship, I declare this day that all my life will be spent serving you and advancing your purpose on earth in the name of the Jesus. Amen!


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