“…Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up….” Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NKJV)

Why do big companies have a board of directors? Why do the nations of the world have presidents, Vice Presidents and Secretaries of State? And still have chief adviser and chief of staff to the president? Isn’t it obvious? Nothing small needs many people’s contribution. Only big things do. I have heard this saying several times, “No man is an island.” And I think the saying is true. Isn’t it obvious that what two people can do with equal effort, one person may never be able to accomplish? Off course they will because what they have is a two sided ideas and not one. Four hands on the table and not two. So two are indeed are better than one. It would be unnecessary to think that you can achieve all the plans you have laid down for the year all alone. You might want to consider looking for helping hands, you might want to consider taking advice about that new project on your mind, or consider someone helping you structure your business and making it better. Or partnering with people, in cases where you don’t have enough funds to do things on your own. What I am saying in essence is that; the things you want to achieve in life can be better achieved if you will look for others to team up with. Even the famous King Solomon with all the wisdom he had, did not work alone. When he wanted to build the Lord a temple, the bible says in 2 Chronicles 2:2, that he “…selected seventy thousand men to bear burdens, eighty to quarry stones in the mountain, and three thousand six hundred to oversee them.” Amazing isn’t it? He elected three thousand six hundred overseers for his work, because he wanted perfection. Well, what kind of temple and palace did he build? It would have been a mighty one to have this much overseers. That’s why I said earlier only big things need many boards of directors. Therefore, it is right to say that, with a helping hand, more work can be accomplished because if one person is making a mistake, there would be someone to correct it. Therefore, start thinking of aligning with others so that you can accomplish your goals and purposes easily and faster.


No matter what happens, two people are better than one!


Thank you Father for giving me big dreams for my life and for helping me to choose the right people to help me carry out my dreams. I declare that I will work with a great team because I will choose my team by the spirit, and therefore will make great progress in Jesus name. Amen!


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