“..I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my steps…” Psalm 40:1-2

The Psalmist (King David) sings to the Lord about the things God has done for him, but he opens his statement by saying: I waited patiently for the Lord. Most people do not know that when you walk with God, patience is a determining factor for success. God is the one to establish your steps and put your life in order, but all you need to do is wait patiently with the Father. Don’t think that when you pray God doesn’t answer because you didn’t see an immediate result, don’t think that God doesn’t hear your prayer when you pray. For David said, He inclined to me, which means He listens to me. The bible shows us that Abraham was patient, Noah was patient and Joseph was patient. Also Paul the Apostle was patient and many other prophets of God who had great success were patient too, because they walked with God patiently. If you are willing to be patient as you profess your faith and stand on the word of God that is when God sets your feet upon a rock to stay. Don’t be a Christian who is only on good terms with the Lord when everything is fine or when you receive an immediate answer to your prayers.

In 2 Timothy 4:7, Paul speaks about his results and achievements by saying, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” What Paul was saying to Timothy here was that, in spite of it all, I won! Paul went through a lot of huddles while he preached the gospel, he was bitten by a snake, his boat sank while he was inside, and all he did was pray that no one will die, and everyone in the boat was kept alive, he was held a prisoner for years, and he just considered himself as a slave to the word of God. So be inspired by the men of faith, and stand patiently with the Lord, declaring your faith and proclaiming the word of God, so that in the end like Paul, your testimony will be, “In spite of it all, I won! I overcame and I conquered! For this is the will of the Father for you, to give you your expected end. So finish your race and win all the way.


God is the one to establish your steps and put your life in order!


Holy Father! I thank you for your grace and your glory that is at work in me. I thank you because you gave me the virtue of patience so I stand firm in trying times and stand strong in the name of Jesus. I declare that I do not abort my victories by being impatient with you. I understand your ways and I wait patiently for the answers to my prayers, giving glory to your name forever and ever. Amen!


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