“…for I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope…” —Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

You may have heard the saying, “see with the eyes of God” which means we ought to learn to see the way God sees things. But now, God is also saying we should learn to think the way He thinks. It sounds strange, but we can actually think the way God thinks. A lot of people might not really think this is possible, but I believe it is possible and it is the key to a life of excellence and fulfilment because having to think like God ultimately means having the same mindset that God has. It is the best thing that can happen to any man. When you begin to think with the mind of God, you stop thinking like men and start operating from a higher realm. You don’t judge people or condemn them. You don’t think evil thoughts towards them, your thoughts towards people will always be thoughts of peace and not of evil.

Even when they offend you, evil doesn’t come to mind, the only thing that comes to mind is love and peace. When you live like this, you will be amazed at the way your life will turn out because it’s a life that is lived from a higher perspective. So, I encourage you to discipline yourself to think with the mind of God. Refuse to think like an ordinary man, because you are not and you have been recreated of God in Christ Jesus and you have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). You might say but how do I do this, how do I know the mind of God? How do I start thinking like God? Well, you can do that through the word of God because God’s word reveals His mind, His heart and His thoughts. Discover His words and you will discover His mind. When you do this, you will naturally think the way God thinks. Praise God!


Refuse to think like an ordinary man, because you have been recreated of God in Christ Jesus and you have the mind of Christ!


Thank You Heavenly Father for introducing me to a higher way of living which is having your kind of mindset. I declare that henceforth, the way I think experiences change. I will continue to dwell in your words and use them to fashion the way I think in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: April 2021


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