“…Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth…” 2 Timothy 2:15 (NKJV)

The powerful thing about the Word of God is that it can change anything or change anyone. It can alter anything from its previous state and make it into something else. But isn’t it logical that it should actually be like that? If it isn’t, why is it that a happy man can all of a sudden become sad because he got some news he didn’t like? Or a man suddenly receives joy because of the news he received? If it’s not possible, why is it that when you mix blue and red colors together, you get green? Why is it that any powdered food, when mixed with hot water, may end up becoming solid food? Well, that’s the logic here. Are you looking for a change in your health, finances, marriage or family? Then I recommend that you try the mixture of the Word of God and you. Try getting more information from God’s Word so you can be more informed about the ability you possess and the things you can enjoy. Is it possible to compare an illiterate person with a literate person? No! No! No! We can’t do that! The difference between them is the information they carry. The literate man is empowered because he has knowledge and the illiterate one is overpowered because he lacks knowledge.

We are sons of the living God! We are not illiterate in doctrines and teachings of Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore we cannot be overpowered. We are not subdued but we are the ones subduing. Principalities and powers can’t rule over our mortal bodies, because we have got all the information we need. If this information could empower David and help him subdue Goliath of Gath and has also helped me as an individual to conquer circumstances, it can help you also to confront your situations and win. So if you are reading this article right now and you have been ignoring the word of God and refusing to study it. You are missing out.  When you ignore the word of God, it makes you an illiterate in doctrines and principles of our Lord Jesus Christ. So what will you do today? Pick up the word of God and show yourself approved by knowing what God wants you to know in His word. Discern the truth today and receive the information you require to live in victory and success in Jesus name. Amen!


The literate man is empowered because he has knowledge but the illiterate man is overpowered because he lacks knowledge!


Holy Father! I thank you for making the word available to me for my use. I declare that I am not illiterate and therefore I am not overpowered but empowered and am using the power of God in me to subdue nations and kingdoms in Jesus name. Amen!


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