“…He was led like sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth….” Acts 8:32

When I think of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary, all I can say is, “It was a beautiful sacrifice…” A sacrifice that got me and you into the kingdom of our God, an honourable sacrifice that got you and I born again, a sacrifice that gave us the new nature and wiped off the nature of sin that we were born with. The beautiful sacrifice, the blood of Jesus Christ, as it flowed out of Him, gave our lives meaning, and traded our sins with a price and nature of righteousness. Who would have thought that you and I could one day be redeemed? Who would have thought that there was a way to stop sin without the hindrance of the law? Who would have thought that someday we would be proud to say we are the sons of God instead of slaves? No one understood how God was going to get back His chosen one, no one understood how we would suddenly be translated into the kingdom of our God, having been in the place of bondage for too long. But Jesus came into this world, and He made it happen. His saving grace and His saving power, has set us free from the power of sin and death. Now we are free and free forever.

Therefore, let us sing for joy, and shout the shout of victory, at the beautiful sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let the world know what the Lord has done for me and you. Let your friends know about the victory we have received in Him. Let the earth know that, “Death no longer has power over us, sin no longer has a hold on us, and the devil no longer has a claim over our lives! The price has been paid, the uttermost price. The price of the blood of the lamb, has been offered to our God and all is now free!” This is a beautiful moment for all the inhabitants of the earth. Let us celebrate this Easter knowing without any doubt in our heart that the price for our offenses has been paid, and it has been paid in full! Amen!


We are no longer debtors but free because our Lord Jesus Christ paid the price!


Dear Jesus. I thank you for the beautiful sacrifice you offered for me, I thank you for trading your life for mine, I thank you for making me free from the hold of Satan. I am free now, therefore I walk as a free man all the days of my life. Amen!


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