“…by humility and fear of the Lord are the riches and honour and life…” Proverbs 22:4 (NKJV)

Beloved, do you want to be rich beyond words? Do you want to walk in abundance and dine with kings? If yes, then the first approach you must take is the approach of humility. A lot of people do not really see how this virtue can make them rich but the truth remains that it is a major factor for climbing to that place of wealth. I know this might not go down well with some people but let me explain. We will be looking at this in two folds. First, between you and God and then you and man. If there is anything that God hates, is pride and pride is the opposite of humility. If ever God is going to lift you up in life, He is not going to do that with pride in you and the bible is on clear on that. In the book of James 4:6, the bible says, “…God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble…” In 1 Peter 5:5, Peter the apostle, admonished the younger ones saying, “…submit yourselves to your elders. Yes all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility for “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time…” Meaning, if God is going to raise you up and place you among princes, the virtue of humility must be in you.

Now, in the case between you and man. If you’ve got pride in you, you will never be humble enough to learn from people you are supposed to learn from because you will be too full of yourself to learn. That mind-set of “I know it all” or “what can they teach me” will always come in the way. Therefore, it is important you begin today to humble yourself before God and before man. Walking in humility is never a sign of foolishness but wisdom. When you humble yourself, it doesn’t reduce you but lifts you up. So why deprive yourself of the lifting that humility can bring to you? Take this counsel seriously and it will preserve your career, your marriage or relationship and expose you to new opportunities and possibilities in life. Praise God!


When you humble yourself, it doesn’t reduce you but lifts you up!


Thy Word oh Lord is a light to my path, therefore I am grateful for enlightening me today on the importance of humility. I decree that henceforth I am yielded to the spirit of humility and am enjoying its full benefits in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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