“…who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s…”

Psalm 103:4-5 NKJV

It’s prerequisite for the Christian to have an understanding that he is a rejuvenated man. The word rejuvenated means to be vitalized, renewed, and restored to a new condition. A man that needs to be rejuvenated is a man that has been incapacitated because he has defects and imperfections. Before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the life of man was degenerated, and in complete chaos. Man was living at the lowest level of his life. God heard the cries of the prophet of old and sent his beloved son to alter everything. And now the Christian has been rejuvenated and has become a perfect man by the death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. That is why the scripture says he crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies. This means God gave the Christian beauty as against the ashes he was clothed with; God gave the Christian a crown of glory as against the thorns on his head. Therefore our Heavenly Father has increased the quality of the life of man. 

Any man that gives his life to Jesus Christ becomes regenerated, renewed and restored. The qualities of the rejuvenated man include divine life and divine health, extraordinary abilities, strength and lots more. The rejuvenated man is no longer subject to death like the old man was. He now has victory over sin and much more. Oh! What a life Jesus Christ has given to us. Now we have dominion over sin and death, how we ought to always praise His Name! This life is the life of the man of the spirit. Though we are in this world, we live above the elements of this world. We operate from the realm of the Spirit and we determine how our lives go. 

So rejoice for God has given you the opportunity to be a rejuvenated man. A regenerated man does not boast in his own ability but in the ability of the Lord. He doesn’t dwell in his disabilities because he knows that His sufficiency is of God. A regenerated man doesn’t experiment with God; rather he believes in God and allows God to take absolute control of his being. A regenerated man knows that he is a king and he acts like one, enjoying all the goodness and mercies God has given to him. So take advantage of the grace you have in Jesus Christ from today, and don’t live lower than God want you to. You are regenerated man full of strength and might Praise God!


As a Christian, you are regenerated and rejuvenated!


Dear God, you have made me a little lower than the angels and I am most grateful. You have taken away my imperfections and ensured that I am a perfect man, therefore, I enjoy the perfection that you have given me, and I glory in you. I take advantage of my renewal and I live my life in the spirit just the way you want me to in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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