“…if anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him…” John 12:26 (ESV)

Beyond receiving Jesus into your life as a believer, it is important to know that you have a responsibility to serve in the body of Christ. No matter how busy you may be with work and other life’s pursuit, you are expected to render your services to God in one way or the other because when you do this, you are consciously joining in God’s vision to raise men and further the spread of the Gospel. Sadly, not many are aware of this. Not many are willing to give their time to serve. In fact, in most cases, they see people who are serving in church as people who have no work or nothing else to do. They believe that if you had something else to do or a career to pursue, you will be spending your time pursuing a career and not wasting it in church. Yes, you heard me right. Many people think that those who labor in the house of God are wasting their time but that is not true. Service in the house of the Lord is never a waste of time and it is not for people who are jobless. It is our reasonable service to God. It is part of our worship towards God and a responsibility towards the furtherance of the Gospel. A Christian who does not engage in service, does not understand God and the demands of the Gospel.  He/she does not understand the key reason why he/she is saved. And guess what, he/she also does not understand what he/she is missing out on by not serving. 

Beloved, you’ve got to understand that service towards God is one of your responsibilities towards God and His end time plan. Therefore, it is not optional.  It is in your best interest to engage in this and do it with all your heart. You may say but am busy? Yes, I know, but the truth is, if you allow service towards a worldly course to deprive you of your service towards God, it reflects how misplaced your priorities are and It reflects your level of love for God. You can’t claim to love God, and yet don’t make out time to render your services towards Him. It doesn’t work that way. If you truly love God, you will render your services towards Him, willingly and cheerfully. So, I admonish you today to take up a role in your local assembly and serve the Lord. I know that you may be working and busy with your career, but the truth is that, the only reason you are busy with work is because you made time for it.  You should also make time to render your services towards God as well because it is worth it. It proves your love for God and value for His Kingdom and righteousness. Remember, our Lord Jesus said in our opening text, “…if anyone serve Me, the Father will honor him…” John 12:26 (ESV). Hallelujah!


It’s not enough to be in Christ, you should also render your services towards Him!


Father, I am grateful for your word today. I choose this day not to believe only in you but to serve you as well. I choose to render my services to you now and all the days of my life. And as I do, I am walking in the blessings of service in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: February 2021


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