“…but Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord…” Jonah 1:3 (NKJV)

Again, another important thing that we need to grow in, to have a beautiful and life-changing walk with God is obedience. This is something that is greatly required if you truly want to walk in the will of God and be directed by Him in all your ways. Obedience is so vital in our Christian walk that it holds the key to the blessings we will enjoy in life and the influence we will have in our lives. It also holds the key to our preservation and protection. But sadly, not many really think that there is a need to be obedient to God. When you speak to them about obedience they shrug it off. While many others think, well God is a merciful God, if I disobey, He would still forgive me which is very true. But in the long, you will remain a baby Christian and your relationship with God will not go beyond that level. Because God will not be able to trust you with bigger responsibilities that will put you in a position of affluence and authority. He knows that you will always blow things up, so there will be no need for Him to instruct you on several matters in life.

So it is important that you understand the role that obedience plays in your walk with God. In fact, disobedience can even put you in such trouble that even though God has forgiven you, you will still be going through the consequences of your actions. You must always remember that the instructions that God gives to you, is not for His own benefit. Rather, it is for your benefit. He expects us to walk in obedience because it preserves, protects and provides for us. When we study the story of Jonah, we see that God asked him to go and give a word to the people of Nineveh, but Jonah disobeyed out rightly and done his own thing, thinking he had outwitted God. But he didn’t realize that just that single act of disobedience put him in a place of danger. (Jonah 1:1-3).
First there was a storm that almost took his life and the lives of the people who were with him. Secondly, he ended up in the belly of a fish and was there for three solid days. Now, who went through all these God or Jonah? Well, it was Jonah because that’s what disobedience does generally. So I admonish you today to learn from this and do the needful. Obedience to God is not difficult if you are truly yielded to Him as your father. The question is, are you fully yielded to God? Have you truly submitted your desires, opinion and passion to God? If you do, obedience shouldn’t be a difficult thing for you. Praise God!


Obedience will preserve, protect, provide and promote you!


Glorious God I am grateful for all you do and teach me, I am sorry for every past disobedience. I choose to be obedient to you and your words henceforth. And no matter the distractions, I choose to stay focused and obedient to you at all times and in all things in Jesus name. Amen!


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