“…I tell you more: whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my father in heaven…”- Matthew 18:19 (GNB)

As Christians, there are lots of principles God has given to us to win in life, subdue the devil and intimidate failure. One of those principles is the prayer of agreement which is the coming together of two or more people to agree on anything in prayer. As powerful as this principle is, it is largely neglected by folks in the church, unknown to them that engaging this spiritual principle can actually change their lives.

However, you are reading this article today because God wants you to take advantage of this principle and use it to influence your life positively. Our opening scripture says “whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my father in heaven…”- Matthew 18:19 (GNB). Did you see that? All that is needed is someone to agree with in prayers and if you are consistent enough, there will certainly be a change in that situation.

So I encourage you today to take advantage of this truth and start practicing it. Maybe you are going through some difficult situations right now in your life and you really want to see a change, worry no more. Just look for someone to agree with you on that matter and present it to God. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, if you can agree with someone who believes in the same cause with, then whatever the both of you shall agree on earth, will be done for you.

We see an example of how powerful the prayer of agreement can be in the case of Paul and Silas. The Bible recorded that they were kept in prison and when it was midnight, they began to pray and to sing. As they did, there was a violent earth which shook the foundations of the prison and the doors of the prison flung open (Scripture Reference: Acts 16:25-26). Now that’s one of the possibilities that can take place when we engage ourselves in the prayer of agreement.

So make a conscious decision today and give it a try if you haven’t done that before, if you have been doing it before, take it seriously and use it to change your life. It works, praise God!

With the prayer of agreement, all things are possible!

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for all the wonderful principles you have made available to us in the Body of the Christ. I choose to practice this exercise and as I do, I declare that I am seeing the desired results in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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