“…but with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation…” Romans 10:10 (NKJV)

As little as our mouth is, it goes a long way to determine the experiences of our lives and the outcome of our future. Although not many understand the magnitude of this, the Bible teaches us so and anybody who is able to take advantage of it will certainly enjoy it. But the question is, how many people are taking advantage of this wonderful gift today?  Only very few. Beloved, it is important you understand the power at work in your mouth and the need for it to be used to empower your body and chart the course of your life. Most of the time, the devil tries to afflict us with several kinds of diseases and ailment just to incapacitate us but it is your responsibility to learn to tackle such attacks of the devil with your mouth. Stop depending solely on what the Doctors have to say. Stop depending on medicines to stay healthy, there is a higher life and it is available to you in Christ Jesus. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not against medicines or undermining them, all I am saying is, don’t allow medicines determine what your health will be like. Learn to use your mouth to address your body and keep it in good shape. The power available in your mouth is more than enough to handle any health issue that you might face if you are diligent enough to use it. So before, any health issue will escalate, make up your mind you will speak to your body. Stop looking for a quick fix or complaining about how you feel, start telling your body how you want it to feel. Remember your body is not you, you are a spirit and your body is your house. So talking to your body is all about talking to your house, where your spirit man resides.  

It is important you understand that your spirit man has power over your body, so it is in your best interest that you take advantage of this and empower your body with your mouth. Whenever you have a slight headache or pain in any part of your body, do not hesitate to rebuke it in the name of Jesus and you will certainly see results. Over the years, I have had a lot of testimonies from this simple practice. Each time I face any health issue, I start talking to my body, and I do this, no matter how little the issue may seem. And guess what? I have always had immediate results for it is written: “…from the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied…”Proverbs 18:20 (NKJV) If a person’s stomach can be satisfied by the fruit of his mouth, it, therefore, means that his body can be sustained with the fruit of his mouth. So I encourage you today, to start talking to your body. Rebuke, any ungodly feelings and use your mouth to stay in good health. God bless you!


Stop depending solely on what the Doctors have to say, use your mouth and stay healthy!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for equipping me with such a wonderful gift in my mouth. I declare that the purpose for which my mouth has been given will continually be fulfilled in all areas. I will talk and talk my body to strength. I will talk and talk my way to the top in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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