“…do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world…” Philippians 2:14 – 16 (NKJV)

As Christians one of the things we must guard against is finding fault with the church that we attend. It is a growing trend in the church today that the devil is using to pollute Christians and cause divisions in churches. You see someone who after some years or months of attending a church and has grown spiritually in the church, suddenly starts getting uncomfortable with the same church to the point that he or she starts finding fault with literally everything the church does. He finds fault with the way the pastor preaches or the comments he makes. He finds fault with the members and the way they behave, he finds fault with the church timings and in most cases even walks out of meetings, when it is taking longer than expected, thinking he is doing the right thing. Unknown to him that he is only heaping curses on himself. Because this attitude only corrupts the person in question and if care is not taken, could also spread to other members in the church who, also gets corrupted and start seeing wrongly. Attitudes like this, has led to the division in so many churches and dragged the faith of many to the mud. Because it is an unhealthy attitude and should be avoided.

It is important for us to understand God’s thoughts concerning this, God does not want us complaining about the church because it is the body of Christ. Complaining about the church you attend or any other church is like complaining about you because you are part of what you are complaining about. Therefore, it is important to refrain from that. The fact that some people do this does not mean you should do it also. The people who do this thing are functioning from a place of gross ignorance, you shouldn’t function from such ignorance because that’s why the Holy Spirit was given to you to guide you right. So you should know better. Now, this is not to justify some very ugly incidents going on in some churches, but we shouldn’t use it to make other people’s faith to fail. Rather we should turn it into a prayer point because only through prayers can some of these issues be fixed. So make a conscious decision to stop finding fault with your church, stop complaining and start praying. Remember the church is not for perfect people and it is not a perfect place, rather it is for perfecting people of which you are among those who are being perfected. Praise God!


Complaining about the church you attend or any other church is like complaining about you because you are part of what you are complaining about!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for letting me understand the dangers of finding fault and complaining about the church I attend or any other church. I choose this day to be a problem solver and not a fault finder. I choose to pray about the things going wrong in the church and not complain about it because I am a kingdom-minded person and a kingdom builder in Jesus name. Amen!



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