“….do not be drunk with where it is in excess but be filled with the Spirit…” Ephesians 5:18 (NKJV)

As a child of God, it is very important for you to learn how to stir your spirit to flow in the frequency of God’s Spirit. The Spirit of God came to fulfil a purpose in your life and as such at every point He is always speaking. But for you to be able to hear from Him and be guided by Him, you must be able to get yourself tuned. In the days of Elisha the prophet, the Spirit of God comes and goes, so Elisha had to wait for a minstrel to play before he could hear but today, the Spirit of God is not about to come on you because He lives in you, therefore, you don’t need an external force to get stirred, you can stir up yourself from within. The bible says. “…do not be filled with wine wherein it is in excess but be filled with the Spirit…” (Ephesians 5:18) in other words be stirred always in the spirit and by the Spirit. How you might ask? First you need to recognize the presence of the Holy Ghost, know that He is not just in you but He actually lives in you, you are His temple ( 1 Corinthians 6:19). When you recognize that the Holy Ghost lives in you, it becomes easy to go with the sway of the Spirit and hear from Him. Secondly, you must learn to have fellowship with the word of God all the time. Chalk out a personal study time where you expose yourself to the word of God and be taught by the word. Also make it a point of duty to always be in church meetings where the word of God is been shared because the more you hear, the more light you will have in your spirit (Psalm 119:130) and the more acquainted you will be with the Holy Ghost. And, apart from just hearing the word of God, learn to also fellowship with other believers and share the word of God with them for this is also profitable. Thirdly, you should learn to make melody in your heart with spiritual songs, because this has a way of getting you so stirred and fired up for great exploits with the Holy Ghost. Finally, learn to speak and sing in tongues always, because this is a spiritual language given to us by God to speak forth mysteries and get ourselves edified and emboldened. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 14:4 that “…he that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies Himself…” which means “charges up himself” and when you are charged anything is possible Halleluiah! So be encouraged today, stir yourself rightly and have a pleasant walk with the Holy Ghost, be ever filled with the Spirit and I assure you nothing can be impossible unto you.


The Spirit of God came to fulfil a purpose in your life, so stir your spirit rightly to take advantage of the purpose of the Holy Spirit in your life!


Heavenly father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for blessing me with your words; I am turned on, on the inside. As I walk with you, I will be continually filled with the Holy Ghost such that when He speaks, I will hear and when I hear, I will do the word in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: November 2019


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