“…when all that generation had been gathered to their fathers another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work, which He had done in Israel…” —Judges 2:10

Are you a Christian and have an unbelieving wife or an unbelieving husband or an unbelieving sister or brother, Unbelieving children? It should not be like this. We have been given a responsibility to ensure that the word of God circulates and dominates our world. When you find yourself having family relatives who have not confessed Jesus or do not believe in Jesus, it becomes our responsibility to pray for them so that they would receive salvation, it’s also our responsibility to teach them the word of God. Today, you find believers who agree that everybody has a right to choose if they want to believe the gospel of Christ or not but the question is when it comes to matters of eternal condemnation, should people be allowed to choose condemnation? Certainly not and if we don’t do anything, they will be lost forever. So as believers, we have a responsibility to make sure our family members receive Jesus into their lives. Now, I am not saying that people should be forced to accept the gospel but it is our responsibility to let them know the truth. It is true that God has given us the freedom to choose but if this freedom is not managed, it will eventually cause eternal destruction to the people we love. If we do not do something about their choice while we still can, they will be lost forever.

Now, what I am trying to lay emphasis on here is the fact that believers have not stepped into their role as preachers of the good news to their family members. We can’t ignore our family members knowing that destruction awaits those who do not follow the way of the Gospel. Sometimes people tend to argue saying God is a good God, and will not destroy the world just like that. But they forget that he has done it before in the days of Noah, when He destroyed the world with a flood, and in the days of Abraham when He destroyed the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. If He (God) did it then, He would do it again without fail. So, we must make haste, and prepare the ones close to us for the coming of Christ our Lord, we must prepare our family, friends and colleagues for the coming of Christ our Lord. Remember, no one knows the time or the hour when He would come. The Bible says “…of that day and hour no one knows. Not even the angels of heaven but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. Until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away.” So also, will the coming of the son of man be.” Matthew 24:36-39 (NKJV). Therefore, be guided and live accordingly.


We can’t ignore our family members knowing that destruction awaits those who do not follow the way of the Gospel!


Dear Father! Thank you for showing me the way to salvation and helping me to see that I need to do more to ensure my close relatives, friends and colleagues are saved. I therefore run with this vision to evangelize my world and save men from destruction!


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