“…God gave the word and great is the company that published it…” – Psalms 68:11 (KJV)

The world today is filled with too many people who are hurting, without hope and are suffering. They are doing all they can to get a solution but things are not getting better because the solution to the problems of this world is not found in the world but in the word of God. The greatest need of every man, like I would always say is Jesus, therefore the knowledge of Jesus and what He has done for the world needs to spread because that is what brings life. God said in Hosea 4:6 “…my people perish for the lack of knowledge” meaning without the knowledge of who God is, what He has done for us and how we ought to live in this world, suffering and struggles are inevitable. So, on this basis of this; it is important that you join in the spread of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and its provision. Put your resources, your time and all in this vision. It is God’s vision. God does not want anybody to perish (1Timothy 2:2 NKJV), and this is why He sent His son Jesus Christ to come and die for us and give us eternal life.
Today you find that many people still go through a lot of sufferings and condemnation even after Jesus Christ has paid the price for this. But because they do not know, they continue to live in these struggles and battle with afflictions of all kinds. However, someone needs to take the word out to them, to let them know that their sufferings are not necessary but the question is, who will be the one? Today some Christians think that this responsibility is only for some selected few, while others think they have not been called to do this but the truth remains that every Christian has been given this responsibility. We were saved to save others, in 1 Corinthians 5:17, the Bible says, “…all things are of God, who reconciled us to Himself through Jesus, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation”. Meaning, the responsibility has been given to all of us and you are not left out, so get involved and move out of your comfort zone. It is time you take your personal evangelism life seriously. Unless and until you take this responsibility seriously and reach out, many people around you might never hear about Jesus and His finished works. So, it is imperative that you think about this and make a conscious decision to spread the good news and liberate men and women out there with this news. Halleluiah!


You were saved to save others, take it seriously and let others receive the good news!


Glorious and ever living Father, I thank you for reminding me of my primary responsibility as a believer. I decree this day that the passion for soul winning is burning in me, and I am engaging in it effortlessly by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Amen!


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