“…blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it…” Matthew 13:16-17 (NIV) 

It’s true that the eyes give the direction to our physical body, a man who is blind has eyes but cannot use them because they do not see, but one who has no eyes at all will always need help finding his direction in life. Without a guide, he would always find himself in a ditch, having consistent accidents or being stuck in one position unable to accomplish anything, and in most cases, he would be taken advantage of by street boys who desire to steal his money or do him harm. Letting us know that, being blind or unable to see can hamper one’s progress in life and be a great disadvantage, which is why this article speaks to us about seeing well. So what does it mean to see well for a man who has two physical eyes that can see? To see well is to be able to see what God wants us to see in every given situation. 

Seeing well is not going in the opposite direction in a subject matter. To see well is a blessing and it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is an advantage to your life and everything that concerns you if you take it seriously. You know, it matters what we see with the eyes of our mind because what we see and how we see will determine where we will find ourselves in life. In the past, people have made bad decisions and judgement because of the way they see, and what they were looking at. But it is important that you see differently because what you see goes a long way to determine your decisions and your experiences. So this year, work on what and how you see because they will determine what will happen to you in every area of your life. So am going to ask, “How do you see you this year? How do you see the opportunities laid before you this year? How have you decided to approach the year? These questions are vital and will definitely play a role in your success story this year because I see good things taking place in your life. Praise God! I see great and mighty doors opening for your sake and I see walls of opposition falling flat before you and guess what? “It is the Lord’s doing and they are marvelous in our eyes.” Psalm 118:23 (KJV)


Your sight determine your destination, so see well!


Father, I thank you because I have eyes that see and ears that hear. I am not blind to the things you have laid before me, nor do I go in the opposite direction of the part you want me to follow. Thank you for ordering my footsteps and directing my parts in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: August 2019


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