“…then Peter said silver and gold, I do not have, but what I do have I give you…” Acts 3:6 (NKJV)

Beyond remembering who you are in Christ Jesus, it is of great importance that you also remember what you have in Christ Jesus. Christianity is not an empty life; it is a life of substance where you have something tangible that you can use to walk in cheap victory and glory. But you must always walk in the consciousness of this thing that you have in Christ Jesus. Most times, God’s people forget that they have something tangible in Christ that has been given to them to secure their victory. So, they go on panicking and acting as though all hope is lost. But trust me, all hope is not lost if you will remember what you have and make a conscious decision to use what you have. When you take a careful look at our opening text, we see the account of a man who was begging people for alms, and while he was doing that, Peter and John came passing by, so he decided to ask them for alms. Now, Peter didn’t have the alms he was asking for, but it didn’t deter Peter. Peter knew he had something that was more than alms, so he said “…look at us…. So, he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said,silver and gold, I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk…” Acts 3:4-6 (NKJV). Did you see that?

Peter didn’t feel disadvantaged because he didn’t have alms to give, rather he chose to use what he knew he had, which was the name of Jesus, and the young man received much more than alms. Peter was not only conscious of what He had; He had confidence enough to use it and guess what, it worked. Beloved, are you currently going through some difficulties, and you think it is over? Are you currently in some mess, and you think all is lost? Have you found yourself in a situation where you think you have nothing else? Don’t despair. You have the name of Jesus Christ, and if you use it diligently and in faith, you will be amazed how a divine solution will show up in your life. So, I admonish you today to live conscious of what you have. Refuse to live like others out there who only emphasize what they don’t have. Instead, keep your focus on what you have and maximize the use of it. The name of Jesus may be invisible and intangible, but it has the power to deliver to you anything you can ever imagine. So, use the name today consistently and diligently, and watch those dry bones begin to assemble. Hallelujah!


No matter what you face or go through in life, always remember you have something powerful enough to get you out of that issue, and that is the name of Jesus!


Thank You Father for the gift of the name you have given to me in Christ Jesus. I choose this day to maximize the use of the name and I decree that as I do, divine solutions are manifesting in my life and situation in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: January 2021


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