“…therefore you shall not oppress one another, but you shall fear your God; for I am the Lord your God…” – Leviticus 25:17 (NKJV)

As we grow in God and in His word, there are several things that we must learn, to help us lead a good and peaceful life. One of those things is to be considerate in your dealings with people and not take advantage of them. We are living in such times where taking advantage of people is the order of the day. But as a child of God, you have a responsibility to avoid it. Don’t capitalize on the ignorance or weaknesses of those around you and use it as an opportunity to oppress them, rather let such traits be used as an occasion to help and not oppress. I am aware that, there are people who, when being considered and favored they take advantage of those who help them but this should not change you and put you in the position of the oppressor. At all times, do what the word of God says because that is the will of God. The bible is replete with people who took advantage of others and they didn’t end up well. An example of such was Pharaoh the king of Egypt. He was one man who greatly oppressed the Israelites. He took advantage of their situation and used it to oppress them but God wasn’t happy. So God reacted and it cost them their life’s work. Now, the question is why did God react the way He did? It’s simple; God does not support injustice or oppression. God does not like it when His children are being taken advantage of, therefore He also does not want us to take advantage of people. As a matter of fact when the Israelites came out from Egypt one of the things God told them was that they should not “oppress one another” Leviticus 25:17 (NKJV) in other words, they should not take advantage of one another.

People who take advantage of others always end up paying a costly price which is why you must do all you can to avoid it because getting involved in it is a sign of irreverence for God. You must remember that God created us to love each other not to exercise undue authority over each other. So I admonish you to deliberately make an effort to avoid it because a lot of times, it can be done unconsciously. Today, you find that many people don’t even know when they start taking advantage of others because it can be done unconsciously. But you must watch out for this so you do not participate in this evil. It is only when you are careful; you will never stumble in this area. For example, you have got to be careful how you deal with the taxi drivers, your housemaid or even your security guards because they can be taken advantage of if you are not careful. Maybe you are the director of a company; you must be careful how you treat your employees because you can unconsciously take advantage of them. In fact, you should be careful how you relate with those who are below you in status because the fact that you are above them, does not make you their superior. Begin to see people the way God wants you to see them. “….Do to others as you would have them do to you…” Luke 6:31 (NIV)


Deliberately make an effort to avoid taking advantage of others!


Your word oh God is my light and my lamp; I thank you for teaching me not to take advantage of people. I declare that I will abide to your word and treat people the way you want me to treat them and as I do this, I produce results in all things in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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