….at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established…” Deuteronomy 19:15b (ASV)

Over the years, enmity has been formed, strife has been stirred, resentment has been harbored and malice has been kept by people against friends, family relatives, church members, church leaders, and lots more because of a one-sided story. Many have allowed themselves to get into arguments, and quarreling because of a one-sided story but the question is, is jumping into conclusions because of a one-sided story the right thing to do? Certainly not. One-sided stories have always been known to bring problems amongst people and should be avoided with all vehemence. A man who does not avoid one-sided stories will definitely fall prey for the deception that these stories bring, destroy his relationship with others, and offend God in the long run.

So make a conscious decision to stay away from one-sided stories. Don’t jump into conclusions by what you were told by one person because people hear differently and communicate matters differently. The one who comes to tell you about a particular matter will only relate it to you according to his understanding and current state of mind and if you are not patient enough to try to hear from the other side, you might think this is the whole truth and make certain decisions that will make you walk at cross-purposes with God’s word and dictates.

A lot of God’s people have fallen prey for this. Sometimes you see certain people who were close to you suddenly start avoiding you and giving cold reception because they heard something which they thought you said or did, without bothering to hear your own side of the story. They jump into conclusions and begin to keep a distance after being wrongly informed. They end up committing a spiritual sin which goes a long way to hinder them in their lives. But this is not God’s plan for your life. God wants you to hear well and be patient to hear the same story from another source before you jump into conclusions. Even after you have heard from another source, be reasonable enough to weigh both accounts properly before you make your decision. Make efforts to investigate properly so that you don’t end up getting angry at the wrong person or keeping a distance for the wrong reason. In James 1:19 New International Translation, the Bible admonishes us to “be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”. It says “…slow to become angry” because we can be easily angered especially when we hear the wrong information. So be smart and act wisely, watch out for the things you hear and see to it that you also hear from another source, for this will help you to establish the truth. For it is written,….at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established…” Deuteronomy 19:15b (ASV)


A man who does not avoid one-sided stories will definitely fall prey for the deception that these stories bring.


Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful for teaching me the word of life, I thank you because these words I have heard today has changed my mindset and I go out there to function with this truth and use it to improve my relationships with people in Jesus name. Amen!


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