“…what harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what dies a believer have in common with an unbeliever…” 2 Corinthians 6:15 (NIV)

There are different kinds of unbelievers in the world today whom the devil uses as vessels, to deceive the ignorant ones. If you don’t want to be deceived by them you must learn to identify them so as to avoid them. There is the Atheist, who says there is no God and does not believe in the existence of God. There is the Agnostic who says that no one can say whether there is God or not because there is simply not enough evidence of the existence of God. And there is the sceptic who strictly lives by his five senses and says since God cannot be touched, smelled, seen or heard, God does not exist. He believes that anything that is not within the realm of the five senses does not exist. And finally, there is the infidel who doesn’t believe in God and also goes ahead to speak against those who do. He is intolerant of religion and those who believe in God. All these and many more are everywhere ready to be used by the devil to dissuade men from the truth. But you have a responsibility to identify them and stay away from them. Their unique identity is doubt and unbelief in God. When you find yourself in their midst, do all you can to flee from them before they influence you with their thinking and ideologies.

It’s true we have been sent into the world to win souls, or to save the lost and help men believe in God. So sometimes we have the tendency to think, we can win those who think there is no God, but we must face reality by accepting that there are people who can’t be helped, there are people who will never accept what we have to say about God, and we ought to keep a safe distance from them. And that, of course, includes people who have strong doubts and unbelief of God’s existence. The Bible clearly says, “…do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character…” 1 Corinthians 15:33 (AMP). There are people whose hearts seek God, who have a craving for God but have not heard of Christ. These are the ones we can fight to win by keeping close contact and continuous fellowship with. But the man who has heard of Christ, but refuses to accept Him and backs up his reasons with theories and teachings he has learnt over the years from science and philosophy, should be avoided. Otherwise, you would be opening yourself to seeds of doubt that they are ready to sow in you.

So, I encourage you today to be careful with the people you mingle with, stay away from people who will alter your belief system because they can make you go astray. Stay with people whom you can influence and can influence you positively. But pray for the difficult ones because only God can save them. Praise God!


Stay away from people you cannot win to Christ, so they don’t win you over to crisis!


Dear Heavenly Father! I thank you for your grace, I thank you for your love, and I thank you for your kindness. I thank you for letting me know the importance of staying away from the wrong folks. I declare that the ability to discern them rests on me and the wisdom to diplomatically stay away from them works in me in the name of Jesus. Amen!


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