“…now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us…” Romans 5:5 (NKJV)

As a child of God, one of the things you must make a conscious decision to do at all times is to reflect the love of God in whatever you do. It is true that the world is full of a lot of wicked and unreasonable men, it is true that the world is full of people who don’t care about your emotions or how you feel, it is true that the world is full of people who are only out there to take advantage of you, but you have a responsibility to respond to them in love and not hatred. I know this might sound very difficult to do but the truth remains that this is the commandment we have received from our Lord Jesus Christ. He said, “…you shall love your neighbor as yourself…” Matthew 22:39 (NKJV). Meaning, we are expected to love others just the same way we love ourselves.  

Now, you might say, does this mean we should also love those who hate us and do not want the best for us? Well, the answer is yes. God does not want you to be like them, rather He wants you to be like Jesus, who loved those who persecuted him and still prayed for them while He was being persecuted. He communicated the love of God till the very last and today that love is the reason we have salvation. He understood the power of love and so He walked in it till the end. He was so passionate about love to the point that before, He left, He gave us a commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves. Today, we have the responsibility to communicate the love of God in all that we do. People should come in contact with us and encounter the love of God because truly the “…love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us…” Romans 5:5 (NKJV). So, as you journey in your Christian walk, make it a point of duty to love your neighbor as yourself. Your neighbor here could be anybody. It could be a family member, or a friend or a co-tenant or co-worker, but whatever may be the case, let your presence, words and attitude reflect the love of God at all times. Forgive when you should forgive, don’t hold grudges or keep malice and above all be patient with people and don’t be easily offended. The practice of these things is what makes you walk in true love (Further Reference 1 Corinthians 13:1-10) Halleluiah!


When you operate in love, people come in contact with you and they encounter God!


By the power of the Holy Ghost, I decree that the grace to walk in love at all times is at work in me, therefore, my presence, words and attitude will always communicate the love of God in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: February 2021


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