“…the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God…” —2 Corinthians 4:4 (ESV)

There is a life that God desires for His children to have and that is the life of being able to think freely without the oppression, or stronghold of Satan. Sadly, that is not the life many of God’s people are living today. Far too many of God’s people are facing serious oppression in their minds and in their thoughts. They see things they are not supposed to see, and they hear things that they are not supposed to hear. Many are frustrated in their lives because of this and do not know how to break free from this bondage. Day and night, they are tormented by these oppressions in their mind. But you see this is not how God wants it to be. God wants you to receive freedom in your mind. One way is by identifying the tricks of the devil which range from wrong beliefs to wickedness, violence and doubt. Until and unless one identifies these tricks, he will not be able to overcome the devil in his games.

So, as you journey in your Christian walk, it is important that you understand the patterns of the devil and how he oppresses people in their minds. Unfortunately, most people don’t know that they can face oppression in their minds and in their thoughts, so they live a carefree life and expose themselves to all manner of information that ends up polluting them and corrupting their minds. They see pictures they shouldn’t see; watch movies they shouldn’t watch (E.g., Horror movies) and hear words they should not hear. Unknown to them that these things form a stronghold in their lives that opens doors for demonic oppression.

Suddenly, they become adamant about the things of God. And, no matter how many visitations they receive from an evangelist, they never give their lives to Christ. They hold on to wrong beliefs and doctrines and never desire to let go. Their minds become so hardened, to the point that they do not listen or accept that God’s word can make them free. So, they walk on in darkness and stay oppressed which is not part of God’s plan for your life. Therefore, you must make a conscious decision not to fall for the trick of the devil and the best way to do that, is to stay one step ahead of him. You might say but how? Well, studying and meditating on the word of God day and night, is the key to receiving freedom in your mind. It helps you to be the master and not the slave to the devil. You must understand that the word of God is a cleanser and it will cleanse you of all pollution or seeds sown into your heart by the devil. Even as you are reading this devotional today, your mind is being cleansed from the pollution of the devil and you are being made free from the captivity of the mind. So, enjoy liberty in your mind today and think freely without the oppression of the devil. Let the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ shine on you so you can enjoy all that Jesus has to give you.


Cleanse yourself with the word of God so the devil won’t oppress your mind!


Dear Father! I thank you for the dominating power of your word that has flooded my mind. I thank you because the entrance of your word in me brings light into my mind and keeps me from the oppression of the devil. I declare that you have made me free and I live in Liberty always. Amen!


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