“…he who is slow to wrath has great understanding, but he who is impulsive exalts folly…” Proverbs 14:29 (NKJV)

As you mature in your Christian life, one of the signs of maturity which you must possess in order to excel in life is the ability to control your temper. It’s a virtue that can prolong your life and preserve your relationships. Quick-temperedness in the recent past has destroyed the lives of many people. Some have ended up in prison because they were so angry and killed someone. Others have ended their marriages because they couldn’t control their temper. Recently, I read about a woman who was sentenced to life in prison because she killed her husband in cold blood after discovering that he had been cheating on her. Now, both her life and her husband’s life are forfeit because she couldn’t control her temper. Her children are going to grow without her and their father because she gave in to anger. I’m sure she didn’t plan to end up in jail for the rest of her life, but her lack of self-control has automatically decided her fate. Even though the husband was the reason for her actions, his errors were not considered in this case. It was her actions that the court held on to and used in condemning her to life imprisonment.

Now, this is what happens when we give in to anger, it destroys us and steals our future. Sadly, when we have acted in anger, the original cause of the problems is no longer considered because our anger-influenced actions is all that can be seen. So be wise in your dealings and learn to control your anger. Always remember, you are a Christian and God expects your Christianity to reflect when you are angry. So beloved, “…let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God…” James 1:19-20 (NKJV). Let self-control which is one of the fruits of the Spirit be seen in you. Praise God!


Controlling your temper can prolong your life if you take it seriously!


Self-control which is one of the fruits of the Spirit is at work in me, therefore I refuse to give in to wrath or allow it to becloud my sense of reasoning. I choose to be slow to anger because the nature of God the Father who is slow to anger is at work in me in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

Categories: March 2019


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