“…if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there,’ and it will move and nothing will be impossible unto you…”- Matthew 17:20 (NKJV)

In the book of Romans 12:3 the Bible lets us know that God has dealt to every man the measure of faith. Now the reason for this is so that we will be able to handle any situation that comes our way and triumph over it. But you see if this faith will produce results in our lives and make us conquerors, it has to be exercised (put to work). When faith is not exercised, things are bound to go wrong, in fact, there is no telling the damage that could be done and even death can take place because in the past, many have passed away because they could not exercise their faith in their time of distress and pains. When you take a look at the world today, many of God’s people are hurting and suffering, some others are facing very difficult moments in their lives because they do not exercise their faith. They have allowed themselves to wallow in sufferings expecting that one day the situation will improve but no changes has occurred yet. This is why as a Christian; you have to work on exercising your faith. Don’t sit down and fold your hands expecting a change to take place. The fact remains that nothing changes except you choose to change them and to do this you must follow the necessary steps which begins with taking a step of faith. Faith is the change that is required to effect any change. Therefore the moment you start walking in faith, nothing can remain the same with you because you activated the law of faith which must be in operation to get Heaven’s attention. When this law is in motion, you will always walk out of any situation victoriously because the Holy Scriptures let us know that the victory that overcomes the world is our faith (1 John 5:4).
The woman with the issue of blood suffered for twelve years and all her earnings went on medications which did not bring her healing but the Bible lets us know that one day when she heard Jesus walking by with the multitude, she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well” and indeed, when she touched Jesus, the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction”(Mark 5:25-29). Now that is faith. She refused to accept the situation as it is, rather she took a step of faith and guess what? When Jesus asked for who touched him, she came forth and Jesus in response to her said, “Daughter, your faith has made you well.”(Mark 5:34) He did not say “my power”, He said your “faith”, which means if you put your faith to work, it will always bring in the results. So make a conscious decision today to exercise your faith. Refuse to be comfortable with the status quo and do not accommodate problems at all, take that bold step and do something about your life today for faith is the victory that overcomes the world.


Faith is the change that is required to effect any change.


Heavenly Father, I thank you for bringing your word to me today to stir me up; indeed I am stirred and I go out there to exercise my faith because no matter what I face, My faith will always give me the victory. So I refuse to be oppressed or disadvantaged because I have in me the measure of faith to deal with any issue and make things work in Jesus name. Amen!


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