“…. he, who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him….” Psalm 126:6 (NKJV)

Have you ever found yourself in certain situations that leave you feeling helpless and confused with what to do? Well, it happens a lot of times with people who do not really know how things work in the realm of the spirit. But I write to you today, that you may know and understand certain realities that will help you to move to the next level in your life. In all that you do, you must understand that life is spiritual; the physical realm is influenced and controlled by the spiritual. As a Matter of fact, the realm of the spirit is faster and ahead of the physical realm.  The spiritual realm has no time zones, it functions eternally and this makes it easy for it to rule over time zones. Now the significance of this is that you can take advantage of this truth and influence your life positively by partaking in an exercise that is done physically but has a spiritual significance. We are talking about sowing of seeds. It is a very powerful principle in the kingdom of God that has great influence and provokes results like none other. No matter what you go through or face in life, you can come out of it through the sowing of seeds. It is a very powerful ingredient that spices up our lives if done the right way, the right time, and with the right purpose.

Sowing of seeds is an act of giving away something that is precious and of great value to you, for a higher purpose. It is your chance of coming out of any difficult situation. Over the years, seed sowing has given me such victories that I have never dreamt of. I have crossed many hurdles in life because of the seeds I have sown. The Bible has records of many who did it as well and they were launched into another realm of glory. Abraham did it, (Genesis 22), Isaac did it (Genesis 26) and they all saw results. Amazingly, even God gave His only begotten son Jesus and the greatest problem on the earth which was sin was sorted out once and for all time (John 3:16).

So be encouraged to indulge in it again and again. You don’t stop sowing seeds until the situation is over. Each time you sow seeds, keep speaking the Word and believe in your heart that even as you have planted, there will be a time of harvest. Therefore, sow yourself out of that financial issue, sow yourself out of that marital challenge and don’t stop sowing until you are completely out of that situation. Praise God!


The key to coming out of that challenge you have found yourself is your seed!


Father in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I thank you because your word is truth. I declare that the act of sowing seeds is activated in me and by the power of your Spirit, I decree that as I sow seeds, they are yielding the desired results and taking me to the next level in my life in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: January 2021


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