“…the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure in him…”

Hebrews 10:38 (NKJV)

In the journey of life, there will always be a time when you will be needed to put your faith to work and prove it. But the question is when that time comes, will you prove your faith or be found wanting? I remember many years ago, I found myself in a certain situation and the first thing that came to my mind was, now is the time to prove your faith and put to work all the things you have been learned from the Word of God. It was a tough challenge but that season God gave me the fortitude to prove my faith and overcome. At first, it wasn’t easy because it was an unexpected situation but I had to adapt and enforce the principles of God’s Word and eventually, I got the victory because faith always wins while fear always fails. Now, in the same way I got the victory, you too can if you will make a decision to put your faith to work and prove it.

Stop crying and wondering why the situation came to you because all that will not change anything. Rather focus on the solution by unleashing your faith and enforcing relevant scriptures. When you do that, it might initially look as though things will not change but it will eventually change because the world and all its problems bow to the power of faith. So I admonish you today to prove your faith and wipe your tears. Tears will not solve the problem, only faith will. You might say but for how long do I have to do this? It’s simple, prove your faith for as long as it takes to get your results. And even after you have gotten results, let your faith remain in office so that you can secure greater victories for your life. Praise God!


Faith always wins while fear always fails!


Glorious God, I thank you for giving me the measure of faith needed to prevail in my life, I choose to put that faith to work today change things in the name of Jesus. I refuse to be afraid because I know that faith always wins. Halleluiah!


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